I think I’m on the verge of being a technology addict. There, I said it.
Acknowledgement is the first step, right? In our apartment, we have multiple TVs, two AppleTV units, a Chromecast, multiple cable boxes, at least 4 working computers (and a few old laptops piled high in the office), a handful of functioning iPhones, 4 tablets, and needless to say, a strong WiFi signal.
Many of these tools have made life easier, or at least have created the ability to get more done, faster. And running a digital startup demands constant mobility and connectedness, which means my iPhone (and occasionally my MacBook or iPad) is my main source of communication.
As such, nothing is more frustrating to me than when my battery runs out in between meetings. I charge my devices each night, but this drain continues to happen regularly. Yes, I’ve closed my apps running the background, I’ve turned off location services, and I try not to just browse for the sake of browsing. My friends and family know this of me, so I found it a perfect irony in the last few weeks when two old friends contacted me.
First, a buddy sent me a new battery device, called Dark Energy Reservoir. Sounds like something from Game of Thrones, but basically, it is a stylized battery charger a bit larger than an iPhone which can juice up a phone “4-6 times” before needing to be refueled itself. So far, it’s been helpful and can actually charge 2 devices at the same time. Obviously, it’s one more thing I need to carry around (if only the actual device batteries lasted through a full day’s use), but at 3pm as I’m heading to another meeting with 5% battery on my phone, it has become the needed accoutrement.
Days later, another old friend from my MySpace days (yes, MySpace) contacted me about a new adult camp he runs in California called, Camp Grounded. He describes it as:
Where grown-ups go to unplug, get away and be kids again. Four days of pure unadulterated fun out in the redwoods. Trade in your computer, cell phone, Instagrams, clocks, schedules and work-jargon for an off-the-grid weekend of pure unadulterated fun.
Unfortunately, this year’s camp conflicts with a family affair, but as I rolled over in bed this AM and immediately checked my iPhone to see if anything had happened in the last 7 hours, I’ve started seriously considering whether or not I need a break from my digital life. Soon, I think. Soon. In the meantime, my phone is charged and the day begins.
One friend pushing me toward ability to do more. Another suggesting I take a “digital detox” vacation.
First up, though, I need to get my iRobot vacuum repaired.
Lee Brenner is co-founder of HyperVocal and co-host of SiriusXM’s “Politics Powered by Twitter.” Follow @LeeBrenner